La Miscelanea de Kitiara, undertakes to adopt a policy of confidentiality, in order to protect the privacy of information obtained through its website.
Confidentiality Standards listed below may have changes and / or modifications thus recommended periodic review. All data contained in the \"Site\" ( results of operations and / or transactions carried out through him, shall be considered confidential and they will be protected and guarded, thus ensuring so the security of any transaction that is generated in the \"site\".
Your data will be stored in a database to which only you have access to edit or delete it and will only be taken by the company to support and check each time perform a transaction.
La Miscelanea de Kitiara not share, sell, or distribute the information obtained in the \"site\", both of the transactions, nor the staff as well, unless prior authorization of users, or injunction. That your browser accepts cookies is required in order to use our shopping cart. Cookies are files or pieces of information transferred by the \"site\" to the computer hard disk (the visitor), these pieces of information are used, for the system (shopping cart) to recognize visitors when entering a \"site\" ( Cookies are anonymous.
Personal data provided by the user is part of the database of our site. Being able to access it to modify, update or delete personal data. It is recommended that personal data kept current to avoid any misunderstanding with regard to purchases and / or shipments.